ROHS compliant products

Even today, over 10 years after the ROHS standard has been assimilated into most electronic products and has become the global standard, there is still confusion between the LEAD FREE product (marked as LF) and the ROHS (Restriction Of Hazardous Materials) compliant products.

Even today, over 10 years after the ROHS standard has been assimilated into most electronic products and has become the global standard, there is still confusion between the LEAD FREE product (marked as LF) and the ROHS (Restriction Of Hazardous Materials) compliant products.

When a product is registered “ROHS”, these materials must not be present in the product:

  • Lead (Pb)
  • Mercury (Hg)
  • Cadmium (Cd)
  • Chromium and its compounds (Cr)
  • Polybromite B Phenol PBB
  • Polybromit di phenyl PBDE site


The two Polybromite compounds are additives to plastics for Fire retardant. They are mainly used in the product casing and sometimes in the components packaging itself. It should be noted that the metal parts of the product, such as screws or rings, have chrome and cadmium coatings, which are also forbidden.

The ROHS standard applies to all electronic products, except those expressly defined, such as military and medical devices.

Production processes according to the ROHS standard

The production processes for ROHS and LF compliant products are different from the usual electronic assembly process, due to the difference in the physical parameters. For example, the lead-free solder melting point is about 217° C compared with the regular leaded tin solder which its melting point is about 179 ° C

In order to have a good and reliable soldering on the one hand and not to overheat the PCB and components on the other, it is important that components, parts, PCBs and soldering materials are all produced in the same technology: standard or LF. To this end, AROTEC has specific production processes to each material and technological configuration

When trying to mix technologies, such as LF components with a standard PCB or LF PCB with standard components or components of both types, the mismatch can cause quality problems in brazing and / or overheating for the non LF components.

If this is necessary, then the manufacturer or sub-contractor that assembles the circuits must adjust the soldering processes to the special materials in order to prevent damages. Keep in mind that mixed-material assemblies do not meet the ROHS standard. The differences in technologies (ROHs, LF, non-ROHS) and the needs of the end-customers must be taken under consideration as early as the layout design of the assembly and especially when choosing the BOM components to be purchased, in order to ensure optimum design for a quality production.

AROTEC manufacture and assemble ROHS compatible circuits according to customer’s requirements. AROTEC has the knowledge and tools necessary to adjust manufacturing processes and materials to the physical parameters ​​required, such as adjusting the soldering temperature of LF solder, and ensuring that all the components including the PCBs are based on the same technology.